



Genere: Ristampa

Etichetta: sony

Anno: 2019

Supporto: CD

Protagonista di uno dei piu' leggendari tour nella storia della musica (tanto da diventare il soggetto di un film documentario di Martin Scorsese che debutta in simultanea su Netflix), la Rolling Thunder Revue di Bob Dylan era stata finora documentata su un doppio CD dal quinto volume delle 'Bootleg Series'. Non abbastanza per placare la sete dei tanti fan che agognavano da tempo altro materiale ufficiale e di ottima qualita' su un tour che Dylan intraprese nel 1975 ispirandosi all'iconografia dei circhi viaggianti ed esibendosi ogni sera in piccoli teatri e in locali inusuali con pochissimo preavviso e con una formidanile e pittoresca band - battezzata Guam e aperta a incursioni di ospiti vari come Roger McGuinn dei Byrds - che includeva T Bone Burnett, Mick Ronson, Joan Baez, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Bobby Neuwirth, Scarlett Rivera, Ronee Blakely, Steven Soles, David Mansfield, Rob Stoner, Howie Wyeth e Luther Rix (oltre al poeta Allen Ginsberg e a Joni Mitchell, che salivano sul palco per i bis): saranno accontentati da questo monumentale box di 14 CD che contiene i cinque concerti completi che all'epoca vennero registrati con apparecchiature professionali (gli show raggiungevano anche le quattro ore di durata) oltre a registrazioni di prove scoperte solo di recente. Piu' in dettaglio si tratta di 148 brani in totale, che ai concerti del 15 novembre al Memorial Auditorium di Worcester (Massachusetts), del 20 novembre all'Harvard Square Theatre di Cambridge (Massachusetts), del 21 novembre alla Boston Music Hall (show pomeridiano e serale) e del 4 dicembre al Forum de Montreal in Quebec, Canada, aggiunge le prove tenute ai S.I.R. Studios di New York e al Seacrest Motel di Falmouth, Massachusetts nel mese di ottobre, mentre l'ultimo disco 'bonus' contiene performance rare ed esclusive tratte da altre date di un tour in cui il cantautore proponeva diverse anticipazioni dall'album 'Desire' (che sarebbe uscito nel gennaio del 1976) oltre a potenti rivisitazioni dei suoi classici e a diverse cover di traditional e di pezzi di artisti come Curtis Mayfield, Peter LaFarge, Woody Guthrie, Merle Travis, Joseph Scott e Hank Williams in una tumultuosa sarabanda elettrica che ricorda l'intensita' e la passione dei concerti tenuti una decina di anni prima da Dylan con i musicisti che avrebbero formato la Band. Piu' di 100 di queste registrazioni sono ufficialmente inedite, e offrono un panorama esauriente su un capitolo mitico e storicamente fondamentale della musica popolare, arricchito nella confezione da un libretto di 52 pagine zeppo di foto mai viste prima e con un saggio del romanziere e musicista Wesley Stace. Impossibile astenersi dall'acquisto

track list

Bob Dylan - Rolling Thunder Revue: The 1975 Live Recordings
DISC 1: S.I.R. Rehearsals, New York, NY October 19, 1975
DISC 2: S.I.R. Rehearsals, New York, NY October 21, 1975
DISC 3: Seacrest Motel Rehearsals, Falmouth, MA October 29, 1975
DISC 4-5: Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA November 19, 1975
DISC 6-7: Harvard Square Theater, Cambridge, MA November 20, 1975
DISC 8-9: Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA November 21, 1975 (afternoon)
DISC 10-11: Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA November 21, 1975 (evening)
DISC 12-13: Forum de Montreal, Quebec, Canada December 4, 1975
DISC 14: Rare Performances

October 19, 1975 - S.I.R. Rehearsals, New York, NY
1. Rake and Ramblin' Boy* [incomplete]
2. Romance in Durango* [incomplete]
3. Rita May*
4. I Want You# [incomplete]
5. Love Minus Zero/No Limit* [incomplete]
6. She Belongs to Me* [incomplete]
7. Joey [incomplete]
8. Isis
9. Hollywood Angel [incomplete]
10. People Get Ready#'
11. What Will You Do When Jesus Comes?#
12. Spanish Is the Loving Tongue
13. The Ballad of Ira Hayes
14. One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)*
15. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You
16. This Land Is Your Land
17. Dark as a Dungeon*

October 21, 1975 - S.I.R. Rehearsals, New York, NY
1. She Belongs to Me#
2. A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall
3. Isis
4. This Wheel's on Fire/Hurricane/All Along the Watchtower
5. One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)
6. If You See Her, Say Hello
7. One Too Many Mornings#
8. Gwenevere [incomplete]
9. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts [incomplete]
10. Patty's Gone to Laredo#
11. It?s Alright, Ma (I?m Only Bleeding)

October 29, 1975 - Seacrest Motel Rehearsals, Falmouth, MA
1. Tears of Rage
2. I Shall Be Released
3. Easy and Slow
4. Ballad of a Thin Man
5. Hurricane
6. One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)
7. Just Like a Woman
8. Knockin' on Heaven's Door

November 19, 1975 - Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA
1. When I Paint My Masterpiece
2. It Ain't Me, Babe
3. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
4. It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
5. Romance in Durango
6. Isis
7. Blowin' in the Wind
8. Wild Mountain Thyme
9. Mama, You Been on My Mind
10. Dark as a Dungeon
11. I Shall Be Released

November 19, 1975 - Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA
1. Tangled Up in Blue
2. Oh, Sister
3. Hurricane^*
4. One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)
5. Sara
6. Just Like a Woman
7. Knockin' on Heaven's Door
8. This Land Is Your Land

November 20, 1975 - Harvard Square Theater, Cambridge, MA
1. When I Paint My Masterpiece
2. It Ain't Me, Babe#'^
3. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
4. It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry*
5. Romance in Durango^*
6. Isis
7. Blowin' in the Wind*
8. Wild Mountain Thyme
9. Mama, You Been on My Mind^
10. Dark as a Dungeon
11. I Shall Be Released

November 20, 1975 - Harvard Square Theater, Cambridge, MA
1. Simple Twist of Fate^*
2. Oh, Sister
3. Hurricane
4. One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)
5. Sara
6. Just Like a Woman#
7. Knockin' on Heaven's Door#^
8. This Land Is Your Land

November 21, 1975 - Afternoon Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA
1. When I Paint My Masterpiece
2. It Ain't Me, Babe
3. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
4. A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall
5. Romance in Durango
6. Isis
7. The Times They Are a-Changin'
8. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
9. Mama, You Been on My Mind
10. Never Let Me Go
11. I Shall Be Released^

November 21, 1975 Afternoon Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA
1. Mr. Tambourine Man^
2. Oh, Sister
3. Hurricane
4. One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)
5. Sara^
6. Just Like a Woman
7. Knockin' on Heaven's Door
8. This Land Is Your Land

November 21, 1975 Evening Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA
1. When I Paint My Masterpiece
2. It Ain't Me, Babe
3. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll^
4. It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry#^
5. Romance in Durango
6. Isis^
7. Blowin' in the Wind^
8. The Water Is Wide^
9. Mama, You Been on My Mind
10. Dark as a Dungeon
11. I Shall Be Released

November 21, 1975 Evening Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA
1. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
2. Tangled Up in Blue#^
3. Oh, Sister^
4. Hurricane
5. One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)^
6. Sara
7. Just Like a Woman^
8. Knockin' on Heaven's Door
9. This Land Is Your Land

December 4, 1975 - Forum de Montreal, Montreal, Canada
1. When I Paint My Masterpiece
2. It Ain't Me, Babe
3. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll*
4. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You^
5. A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall#^*
6. Romance in Durango#
7. Isis#'
8. Blowin' in the Wind
9. Dark as a Dungeon
10. Mama, You Been on My Mind
11. Never Let Me Go#'
12. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine*
13. I Shall Be Released

December 4, 1975 - Forum de Montreal, Montreal, Canada
1. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue^
2. Love Minus Zero/No Limit^
3. Tangled Up in Blue
4. Oh, Sister
5. Hurricane
6. One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)#*
7. Sara#
8. Just Like a Woman
9. Knockin' on Heaven's Door
10. This Land Is Your Land


1. One Too Many Mornings*
October 24 Gerdes Folk City, New York City, New York
2. Simple Twist of Fate*
October 28 Mahjong Parlor, Falmouth, MA
3. Isis
November 2 Technical University, Lowell, MA
4. With God on Our Side
November 4 Afternoon Civic Center, Providence, RI
5. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
November 4 Evening Civic Center, Providence, RI
6. Radio advertisement for Niagara Falls shows
Niagara Falls, NY
7. The Ballad of Ira Hayes*
November 16 Tuscarora Reservation, NY
8. Your Cheatin' Heart*
November 23
9. Fourth Time Around
November 26 Civic Center, Augusta, Maine
10. The Tracks of My Tears
December 3 Chateau Champlain, Montreal Canada
11. Jesse James
December 5 Montreal Stables, Montreal, Canada
12. It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
December 8 Night of the Hurricane, Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

# included in the film Renaldo and Clara (1978 film)
' released on 4 Songs From 'Renaldo And Clara' E.P. (1978 album)
^ released on The Bootleg Series, Vol. 5: Bob Dylan Live 1975 (2002 album)
* included in Rolling Thunder Revue (2019 film)


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