

A Door Inside Your Mind: Complete Reprise Recordings 1966-1968

WEST COAST POP ART EXPERIMENTAL BAND - A Door Inside Your Mind: Complete Reprise Recordings 1966-1968

Genere: Ristampa


Anno: 2023

Supporto: 4 CD



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Un cofanetto di quattro cd contenente i mix mono e stereo dei tre album che la West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band ha registrato per la Reprise Records, segnando la prima volta che i mix mono sono finalmente disponibili su cd. Oltre ai mix mono e stereo degli album e ad alcuni 45 giri modificati, questo cofanetto contiene anche un'abbondanza di registrazioni inedite, tra cui out-takes da "Volume 2" e un'intera versione alternativa di "A Child's Guide To Good And Evil" che offre un'affascinante visione della produzione di quell'album, oltre a un raro spot promozionale radiofonico. Il disco è stato rimasterizzato con cura da Alec Palao e comprende anche un libretto di 40 pagine con un'ampia storia della West Coast Pop Art Ezperimental Band scritta da Gray Newell e ricca di foto rare e altri cimeli. La West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, un'improbabile collaborazione musicale tra un trio di musicisti adolescenti benestanti delle colline di Hollywood e un ricco playboy aspirante hipster sulla trentina, è considerata dagli addetti ai lavori come uno dei gruppi più idiosincratici emersi durante l'era psichedelica, che ha attirato un devoto seguito di culto grazie al suo sound unico. I West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band hanno registrato tre album per la Reprise tra il 1966 e il 1968 e questa raccolta cattura il gruppo al suo apice creativo.

track list


Disco: 1
1 Shifting Sands
2 I Won't Hurt You
3 1906
4 Help, I'm a Rock
5 Will You Walk with Me
6 Transparent Day
7 Leiyla
8 Here's Where You Belong
9 If You Want This Love
10 'Scuse Me, Miss Rose
11 High Coin
12 Mono Mix
13 Shifting Sands
14 I Won't Hurt You
15 1906
16 Help, I'm a Rock
17 Will You Walk with Me
18 Transparent Day
19 Leiyla
20 Here's Where You Belong
21 If You Want This Love
22 'Scuse Me, Miss Rose
23 High Coin
Disco: 2
1 In the Arena
2 Suppose They Give a War and No One Comes
3 Buddha
4 Smell of Incense
5 Overture - Wcpaeb Part II
6 Queen Nymphet
7 Unfree Child
8 Carte Blanche
9 Delicate Fawn
10 Tracy Had a Hard Day Sunday
11 In the Arena
12 Suppose They Give a War and No One Comes
13 Buddha
14 Smell of Incense
15 Overture - Wcpaeb Part II
16 Queen Nymphet
17 Unfree Child
18 Carte Blanche
19 Delicate Fawn
20 Tracy Had a Hard Day Sunday
Disco: 3
1 Eighteen Is Over the Hill
2 In the Country
3 Ritual #1
4 Our Drummer Always Plays in the Nude
5 As the World Rises and Falls
6 Until the Poorest People Have Money to Spend
7 Watch Yourself
8 A Child's Guide to Good and Evil
9 Ritual #2
10 A Child of a Few Hours Is Burning to Death
11 As Kind As Summer
12 Anniversary of World War III
13 Eighteen Is Over the Hill
14 In the Country
15 Ritual #1
16 Our Drummer Always Plays in the Nude
17 As the World Rises and Falls
18 Until the Poorest People Have Money to Spend
19 Watch Yourself
20 A Child's Guide to Good and Evil
21 Ritual #2
22 A Child of a Few Hours Is Burning to Death
23 As Kind As Summer
24 Anniversary of World War III
Disco: 4
1 I Feel Sorry for You (Take 4)
2 I Feel Sorry for You (Take 6 - Master)
3 A Child of a Few Hours Is Burning to Death
4 A Child's Guide to Good and Evil
5 Ritual #1
6 Ritual #2
7 Watch Yourself (Acoustic Version)
8 Watch Yourself
9 Eighteen Is Over the Hill
10 Until the Poorest People Have Money to Spend
11 In the Country
12 As Kind As Summer
13 As the World Rises and Falls
14 Our Drummer Always Plays in the Nude
15 Help, I'm a Rock (Single Edit)
16 Smell of Incense (Single Edit)
17 Unfree Child (Single Edit)
18 A Child's Guide to Good & Evil Radio Spot



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