

Waiting for Columbus - Super Deluxe Edition

LITTLE FEAT - Waiting for Columbus - Super Deluxe Edition

Genere: Ristampa

Etichetta: RHINO

Anno: 2022

Supporto: 8 CD



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Uno dei doppi album dal vivo più celebrati della storia del rock torna sotto forma di cofanetto superdeluxe contenente otto CD: ai due dischi originali riproposti in versione rimasterizzata si uniscono infatti tre concerti completi registrati il 29 luglio, il 2 agosto e il 10 agosto del 1977 rispettivamente alla Manchester City Hall (performance totalmente inedita), al Rainbow di Londra (con molti brani mai pubblicati prima d'ora) e al Lisner Auditorium di Washington D.C.: affiancati in alcuni brani dalla sezione fiati dei Tower of Power, i Little Feat nella formazione "classica" composta da Lowell George (voce e slide), Paul Barrere (voce e chitarra elettrica), Bill Payne (voce e tastiere), Richie Hayward (batteria e cori), Sam Clayton (percussioni) e Kenny Gradney (basso) sciorinano tutto il loro migliore repertorio e versioni definitive di pezzi come "Willin''", "Dixie Chicken", "Fat Man in the Bathtub", "Mercenary Territory" e "A Apolitical Blues" (con la chitarra di Mick Taylor) inglobando in un unico, surreale e irresistibile linguaggio musicale, rock and roll, funk, blues, country, New Orleans Sound, jazz fusion e dixieland. La confezione include un libretto di 24 pagine

track list

  • - Disc 1 -
  • 1 Join the Band (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/1977) [2022 Remaster]
  • 2 Fat Man in the Bathtub (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/1977) [2022 Remaster]
  • 3 All That You Dream (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/1977) [2022 Remaster]
  • 4 Oh Atlanta (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/1977) [2022 Remaster]
  • 5 Old Folks Boogie (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/4/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 6 Time Loves a Hero (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/4/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 7 Day or Night (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/4/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 8 Mercenary Territory (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/4/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 9 Spanish Moon (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • - Disc 2 -
  • 1 Dixie Chicken (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/4/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 2 Tripe Face Boogie (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/4/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 3 Rocket in My Pocket (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/4/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 4 Willin' (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 5 Don't Bogart That Joint (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 6 A Apolitical Blues (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/4/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 7 Sailin' Shoes (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 8 Feats Don't Fail Me Now (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • - Disc 3 -
  • 1 Walkin' All Night (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 2 Skin It Back (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 3 Fat Man in the Bathtub (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 4 Red Streamliner (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 5 Oh Atlanta (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 6 Day at the Dog Races (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 7 All That You Dream (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 8 On Your Way Down (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 9 Time Loves a Hero (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 10 Day or Night (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • - Disc 4 -
  • 1 Rock and Roll Doctor (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 2 Old Folks Boogie (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 3 Dixie Chicken (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 4 Tripe Face Boogie (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 5 Medley: Willin' / Don't Bogart That Joint (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/7
  • 6 Feats Don't Fail Me Now (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 7 Rocket in My Pocket (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 8 Sailin' Shoes (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • 9 Teenage Nervous Breakdown (Live at Manchester City Hall, Manchester, England, 7/29/77)
  • - Disc 5 -
  • 1 Walkin' All Night (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 2 Fat Man in the Bathtub (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 3 Red Streamliner (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 4 Oh Atlanta (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 5 Day at the Dog Races (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 6 All That You Dream (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 7 Mercenary Territory (Live at the Rainbow Theatre, London, UK, 8/2/1977) [2022 Remaster]
  • 8 On Your Way Down (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 9 Skin It Back (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 10 Old Folks Boogie (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • - Disc 6 -
  • 1 Rock and Roll Doctor (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 2 Cold Cold Cold (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 3 Dixie Chicken (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 4 Tripe Face Boogie (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 5 Medley: Willin' / Don't Bogart That Joint (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 6 Feats Don't Fail Me Now (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 7 Rocket in My Pocket (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 8 Spanish Moon (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 9 A Apolitical Blues (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • 10 Teenage Nervous Breakdown (Live at the Rainbow, London, England, 8/2/77)
  • - Disc 7 -
  • 1 Walkin' All Night (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 2 Red Streamliner (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 3 Fat Man in the Bathtub (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 4 Day at the Dog Races (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 5 All That You Dream (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 6 On Your Way Down (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77) [2022 Remaster]
  • 7 Time Loves a Hero (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 8 Day or Night (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 9 Skin It Back (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • - Disc 8 -
  • 1 Oh Atlanta (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 2 Old Folks Boogie (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 3 Dixie Chicken (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 4 Tripe Face Boogie (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 5 Feats Don't Fail Me Now (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 6 Rocket in My Pocket (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)
  • 7 Sailin' Shoes (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77 II) [2022 Remaster]
  • 8 Teenage Nervous Breakdown (Live at Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC, 8/10/77)

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